Source code for
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
[docs]def flip(imagelist, axis=1):
"""Randomly flip spatial dimensions
imagelist (np.ndarray or list or tuple): image(s) to be flipped
axis (int): axis along which to flip the images
np.ndarray or list or tuple: same as imagelist but randomly flipped
along axis
# Check if a single image or a list of images has been passed
was_singular = False
if isinstance(imagelist, np.ndarray):
imagelist = [imagelist]
was_singular = True
# With a probility of 0.5 flip the image(s) across `axis`
do_flip = np.random.random(1)
if do_flip > 0.5:
for i in range(len(imagelist)):
imagelist[i] = np.flip(imagelist[i], axis=axis)
if was_singular:
return imagelist[0]
return imagelist
[docs]def add_gaussian_offset(image, sigma=0.1):
Add Gaussian offset to an image. Adds the offset to each channel
image (np.ndarray): image to add noise to
sigma (float): stddev of the Gaussian distribution to generate noise
np.ndarray: same as image but with added offset to each channel
offsets = np.random.normal(0, sigma, ([1] * (image.ndim - 1) + [image.shape[-1]]))
image += offsets
return image
[docs]def add_gaussian_noise(image, sigma=0.05):
Add Gaussian noise to an image
image (np.ndarray): image to add noise to
sigma (float): stddev of the Gaussian distribution to generate noise
np.ndarray: same as image but with added offset to each channel
image += np.random.normal(0, sigma, image.shape)
return image
[docs]def elastic_transform(image, alpha, sigma):
Elastic deformation of images as described in [1].
[1] Simard, Steinkraus and Platt, "Best Practices for Convolutional
Neural Networks applied to Visual Document Analysis", in Proc. of the
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2003.
Based on gist
image (np.ndarray): image to be deformed
alpha (list): scale of transformation for each dimension, where larger
values have more deformation
sigma (list): Gaussian window of deformation for each dimension, where
smaller values have more localised deformation
np.ndarray: deformed image
assert len(alpha) == len(sigma), \
"Dimensions of alpha and sigma are different"
channelbool = image.ndim - len(alpha)
out = np.zeros((len(alpha) + channelbool, ) + image.shape)
# Generate a Gaussian filter, leaving channel dimensions zeroes
for jj in range(len(alpha)):
array = (np.random.rand(*image.shape) * 2 - 1)
out[jj] = gaussian_filter(array, sigma[jj],
mode="constant", cval=0) * alpha[jj]
# Map mask to indices
shapes = list(map(lambda x: slice(0, x, None), image.shape))
grid = np.broadcast_arrays(*np.ogrid[shapes])
indices = list(map((lambda x: np.reshape(x, (-1, 1))), grid + np.array(out)))
# Transform image based on masked indices
transformed_image = map_coordinates(image, indices, order=0,
return transformed_image
[docs]def extract_class_balanced_example_array(image,
example_size=[1, 64, 64],
"""Extract training examples from an image (and corresponding label) subject
to class balancing. Returns an image example array and the
corresponding label array.
image (np.ndarray): image to extract class-balanced patches from
label (np.ndarray): labels to use for balancing the classes
example_size (list or tuple): shape of the patches to extract
n_examples (int): number of patches to extract in total
classes (int or list or tuple): number of classes or list of classes
to extract
np.ndarray, np.ndarray: class-balanced patches extracted from full
images with the shape [batch, example_size..., image_channels]
assert image.shape[:-1] == label.shape, 'Image and label shape must match'
assert image.ndim - 1 == len(example_size), \
'Example size doesnt fit image size'
assert all([i_s >= e_s for i_s, e_s in zip(image.shape, example_size)]), \
'Image must be larger than example shape'
rank = len(example_size)
if isinstance(classes, int):
classes = tuple(range(classes))
n_classes = len(classes)
assert n_examples >= n_classes, \
'n_examples need to be greater than n_classes'
if class_weights is None:
n_ex_per_class = np.ones(n_classes).astype(int) * int(np.round(n_examples / n_classes))
assert len(class_weights) == n_classes, \
'Class_weights must match number of classes'
class_weights = np.array(class_weights)
n_ex_per_class = np.round((class_weights / class_weights.sum()) * n_examples).astype(int)
# Compute an example radius to define the region to extract around a
# center location
ex_rad = np.array(list(zip(np.floor(np.array(example_size) / 2.0),
np.ceil(np.array(example_size) / 2.0))),
class_ex_images = []
class_ex_lbls = []
min_ratio = 1.
for c_idx, c in enumerate(classes):
# Get valid, random center locations belonging to that class
idx = np.argwhere(label == c)
ex_images = []
ex_lbls = []
if len(idx) == 0 or n_ex_per_class[c_idx] == 0:
# Extract random locations
r_idx_idx = np.random.choice(len(idx),
size=min(n_ex_per_class[c_idx], len(idx)),
r_idx = idx[r_idx_idx]
# Shift the random to valid locations if necessary
r_idx = np.array(
[np.array([max(min(r[dim], image.shape[dim] - ex_rad[dim][1]),
ex_rad[dim][0]) for dim in range(rank)])
for r in r_idx])
for i in range(len(r_idx)):
# Extract class-balanced examples from the original image
slicer = [slice(r_idx[i][dim] -
ex_rad[dim][0], r_idx[i][dim] +
ex_rad[dim][1]) for dim in range(rank)]
ex_image = image[slicer][np.newaxis, :]
ex_lbl = label[slicer][np.newaxis, :]
# Concatenate them and return the examples
ex_images = np.concatenate((ex_images, ex_image), axis=0) \
if (len(ex_images) != 0) else ex_image
ex_lbls = np.concatenate((ex_lbls, ex_lbl), axis=0) \
if (len(ex_lbls) != 0) else ex_lbl
ratio = n_ex_per_class[c_idx] / len(ex_images)
min_ratio = ratio if ratio < min_ratio else min_ratio
indices = np.floor(n_ex_per_class * min_ratio).astype(int)
ex_images = np.concatenate([cimage[:idxs] for cimage, idxs in zip(class_ex_images, indices)
if len(cimage) > 0], axis=0)
ex_lbls = np.concatenate([clbl[:idxs] for clbl, idxs in zip(class_ex_lbls, indices)
if len(clbl) > 0], axis=0)
return ex_images, ex_lbls
[docs]def extract_random_example_array(image_list,
example_size=[1, 64, 64],
"""Randomly extract training examples from image (and a corresponding label).
Returns an image example array and the corresponding label array.
image_list (np.ndarray or list or tuple): image(s) to extract random
patches from
example_size (list or tuple): shape of the patches to extract
n_examples (int): number of patches to extract in total
np.ndarray, np.ndarray: class-balanced patches extracted from full
images with the shape [batch, example_size..., image_channels]
assert n_examples > 0
was_singular = False
if isinstance(image_list, np.ndarray):
image_list = [image_list]
was_singular = True
assert all([i_s >= e_s for i_s, e_s in zip(image_list[0].shape, example_size)]), \
'Image must be bigger than example shape'
assert (image_list[0].ndim - 1 == len(example_size) or
image_list[0].ndim == len(example_size)), \
'Example size doesnt fit image size'
for i in image_list:
if len(image_list) > 1:
assert (i.ndim - 1 == image_list[0].ndim or
i.ndim == image_list[0].ndim or
i.ndim + 1 == image_list[0].ndim), \
'Example size doesnt fit image size'
assert all([i0_s == i_s for i0_s, i_s in zip(image_list[0].shape, i.shape)]), \
'Image shapes must match'
rank = len(example_size)
# Extract random examples from image and label
valid_loc_range = [image_list[0].shape[i] - example_size[i] for i in range(rank)]
rnd_loc = [np.random.randint(valid_loc_range[dim], size=n_examples)
if valid_loc_range[dim] > 0
else np.zeros(n_examples, dtype=int) for dim in range(rank)]
examples = [[]] * len(image_list)
for i in range(n_examples):
slicer = [slice(rnd_loc[dim][i], rnd_loc[dim][i] + example_size[dim])
for dim in range(rank)]
for j in range(len(image_list)):
ex_image = image_list[j][slicer][np.newaxis]
# Concatenate and return the examples
examples[j] = np.concatenate((examples[j], ex_image), axis=0) \
if (len(examples[j]) != 0) else ex_image
if was_singular:
return examples[0]
return examples