Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
import warnings
import traceback

[docs]class AbstractReader(object): """Abstract reader Abstract reader class for data I/O. Provides the queue handling and wraps the specific reader functions to adapt given data types. """ def __init__(self, dtypes, dshapes, name='reader'): """AbstractReader Construcsts an abstract reader Parameters ---------- dtypes : list or tuple list of dtypes for the tensors in the queue dshapes : list or tuple list of shapes for the tensors in the queue name : string name of the reader, used for the name scope """ = name self.dtypes = dtypes self.dshapes = dshapes self.__call__.__func__.__doc__ = self._create_queue.__doc__ def _preprocess(self, data): """ placeholder for the preprocessing of reader subclasses """ return data def _augment(self, data): """ placeholder for the augmentation of reader subclasses """ return data def _read_sample(self, id_queue, **kwargs): """ placeholder for the reading of independent samples of reader subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract reader - not implemented') @staticmethod def _map_dtype(dtype): """ helper function to map tf data types to np data types """ if dtype == tf.float32: return np.float32 elif dtype == tf.int32: return np.int32 elif dtype == tf.float64: return np.float64 elif dtype == tf.int64: return np.int64 else: raise Exception('Dtype not handled') def _create_queue(self, id_list, shuffle=True, batch_size=16, num_readers=1, min_queue_examples=64, capacity=128, **kwargs): """ Builds the data queue using the '_read_sample' function Parameters ---------- id_list : list or tuple list of examples to read. This can be a list of files or a list of ids or something else the read function understands shuffle : bool flag to toggle shuffling of examples batch_size : int num_readers : int number of readers to spawn to fill the queue. this is used for multi-threading and should be tuned according to the specific problem at hand and hardware available min_queue_examples : int minimum number of examples currently in the queue. This can be tuned for more preloading of the data capacity : int maximum number of examples the queue will hold. a lower number needs less memory whereas a higher number enables better mixing of the examples kwargs : additional arguments to be passed to the reader function Returns ------- list list of tensors representing a batch from the queue """ with tf.name_scope( # Create filename_queue id_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(id_list, dtype=tf.string) id_queue = tf.train.slice_input_producer([id_tensor], capacity=16, shuffle=shuffle) if num_readers < 1: raise ValueError('Please make num_readers at least 1') # Build a FIFO or a shuffled queue if shuffle: examples_queue = tf.RandomShuffleQueue( capacity=capacity, min_after_dequeue=min_queue_examples, dtypes=self.dtypes) else: examples_queue = tf.FIFOQueue( capacity=capacity, dtypes=self.dtypes) if num_readers > 1: # Create multiple readers to populate the queue of examples. enqueue_ops = [] for _ in range(num_readers): ex = self._read_wrapper(id_queue, **kwargs) enqueue_ops.append(examples_queue.enqueue_many(ex)) tf.train.queue_runner.add_queue_runner(tf.train.queue_runner.QueueRunner(examples_queue, enqueue_ops)) ex_tensors = examples_queue.dequeue() ex = [] for t, s in zip(ex_tensors, self.dshapes): t.set_shape(list(s)) t = tf.expand_dims(t, 0) ex.append(t) else: # Use a single reader for population ex = self._read_wrapper(id_queue, **kwargs) # create a batch_size tensor with default shape, to keep the downstream graph flexible batch_size_tensor = tf.placeholder_with_default(batch_size, shape=[], name='batch_size_ph') # batch the read examples ex_batch = tf.train.batch( ex, batch_size=batch_size_tensor, enqueue_many=True, capacity=2 * num_readers * batch_size) return ex_batch def _read_wrapper(self, id_queue, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for the '_read_sample' function Wraps the 'read_sample function and handles tensor shapes and data types Parameters ---------- id_queue : list list of tf.Tensors from the id_list queue. Provides an identifier for the examples to read. kwargs : additional arguments for the '_read_sample function' Returns ------- list list of tf.Tensors read for this example """ def f(id_queue): """ Wrapper for the python function Handles the data types of the py_func Parameters ---------- id_queue : list list of tf.Tensors from the id_list queue. Provides an identifier for the examples to read. Returns ------- list list of things just read """ try: ex = self._read_sample(id_queue, ** kwargs) except Exception as e: print('got error `{} from `_read_sample`:'.format(e)) print(traceback.format_exc()) raise # eventually fix data types of read objects tensors = [] for t, d in zip(ex, self.dtypes): if isinstance(t, np.ndarray): tensors.append(t.astype(self._map_dtype(d))) elif isinstance(t, (float, int)): if d is tf.float32 and isinstance(t, int): warnings.warn('Losing accuracy by converting int to float') tensors.append(self._map_dtype(d)(t)) elif isinstance(t, bool): tensors.append(t) else: raise Exception('Not sure how to interpret "{}"'.format(type(t))) return tensors ex = tf.py_func(f, [id_queue], self.dtypes) tensors = [] # set shape of tensors for downstream inference of shapes for t, s in zip(ex, self.dshapes): t.set_shape([None] + list(s)) tensors.append(t) return tensors def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._create_queue(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SimpleSITKReader(AbstractReader): """SimpleSITKReader Simple reader class to read sitk files by file path """ def __init__(self, dtypes, dshapes, name='simplesitkreader'): super(SimpleSITKReader, self).__init__(dtypes, dshapes, name=name) def _read_sample(self, id_queue, **kwargs): path_list = id_queue[0] data = [] for p, d in zip(list(path_list), self.dtypes): if isinstance(p, str): # load image etc sample = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk.ReadImage(p)) data.append(sample.astype(self._map_dtype(d))) elif isinstance(p, (float, int)): # load label if d is tf.float32 and isinstance(p, int): warnings.warn('Losing accuracy by converting int to float') data.append(self._map_dtype(d)(p)) else: raise Exception('Not sure how to interpret "{}"'.format(p)) data = self._preprocess(data) data = self._augment(data) return data