Source code for dltk.core.modules.base

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import tensorflow as tf
import re
import os

[docs]class AbstractModule(object): """Superclass for DLTK core modules - strongly inspired by Sonnet: This class wraps implements a wrapping of `tf.make_template` for automatic variable sharing. Each subclass needs to implement a `_build` function used for the template and call this superclass' `__init__` to create the template. For the variable sharing to work, variables inside `_build` have to be created via `tf.get_variable` instead of `tf.Variable`. The created template is automatically called using `__call__`. """ MODEL_COLLECTIONS = [tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES] TRAINABLE_COLLECTIONS = MODEL_COLLECTIONS + [tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES] WEIGHT_COLLECTIONS = TRAINABLE_COLLECTIONS + [tf.GraphKeys.WEIGHTS] BIAS_COLLECTIONS = TRAINABLE_COLLECTIONS + [tf.GraphKeys.BIASES] MOVING_COLLECTIONS = MODEL_COLLECTIONS + [tf.GraphKeys.MOVING_AVERAGE_VARIABLES] def __init__(self, name=None): """Initialisation of the template and naming of the module Parameters ---------- name : string name of the module """ = name self.variables = [] self._template = tf.make_template(name, self._build, create_scope_now_=True) # Update __call__ and the object docstrings to enable better introspection (from Sonnet) self.__doc__ = self._build.__doc__ self.__call__.__func__.__doc__ = self._build.__doc__ def _build(self, *args, **kwargs): """Abstract function that is use to make the template when building the module Raises ------- NotImplementedError This is an abstract function """ raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in abstract class') def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper to call template when module is called Returns ------- object Returns output of _build function """ out = self._template(*args, **kwargs) return out @property def variable_scope(self): """Getter to access variable scope of the built template""" return self._template.variable_scope
[docs] def get_variables(self, collection=tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES): """Helper to get all variables of a given collection created within this module Parameters ---------- collection : string, optional Identifier of the collection to get variables from. Defaults to `tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES` Returns ------- list List of `tf.Variables` that are part of the collection and within the scope of this module """ scope_name = re.escape( + "/" return tuple(tf.get_collection(collection, scope_name))
[docs]class SaveableModule(AbstractModule): output_keys = [] def __init__(self, name=None): self.input_placeholders = None self.saver = None super(SaveableModule, self).__init__(name) def _build_input_placeholder(self): raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented in abstract class')
[docs] def save_metagraph(self, path, clear_devices=False, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- path : string path to save the metagraph to clear_devices : bool flag to toggle whether meta graph saves device placement of tensors kwargs additional arguments to the module build function """ g = tf.get_default_graph() assert not g.finalized, 'Graph cannot be finalized' assert self.input_placeholders is not None, 'Input placeholders need to be built' self.saved_inputs = self.input_placeholders out = self._template(*self.saved_inputs, **kwargs) self.saved_outputs = out.values() if isinstance(out, dict) else [out] self.saved_var_list = list(self.get_variables(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES)) self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=self.saved_var_list) g.clear_collection('saved_network') g.clear_collection('saved_inputs') g.clear_collection('saved_outputs') for i in self.saved_inputs: g.add_to_collections(['saved_inputs', 'saved_network'], i) for o in self.saved_outputs: g.add_to_collections(['saved_outputs', 'saved_network'], o) for tensor in self.saved_var_list: g.add_to_collection('saved_network', tensor) self.saver.export_meta_graph('{}.meta'.format(path), clear_devices=clear_devices) g.clear_collection('saved_network') g.clear_collection('saved_inputs') g.clear_collection('saved_outputs')
[docs] def save_model(self, path, session): """Saves the network to a given path Parameters ---------- path : string Path to the file to save the network in session : tf.Session Tensorflow Sessions holding the current variable states """ assert self.saver is not None, 'Meta graph must be saved first', path, write_meta_graph=False)
[docs] def load(cls, path, session): """ Parameters ---------- path : string Path to load the network from session : tf.Session Tensorflow Sessions to load the variables into Returns ------- list : list of input placeholders saved list : list of outputs produced by the network """ saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('{}.meta'.format(path)) saver.restore(session, path) inputs = tf.get_collection('saved_inputs') loaded_outputs = tf.get_collection('saved_outputs') outputs = {key: output for key, output in zip(cls.output_keys, loaded_outputs)} return inputs, outputs