from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy
from dltk.core.modules.base import AbstractModule
[docs]class GraphConvolution(AbstractModule):
"""Graph Convolution module using Chebyshev polynomials
This module builds a graph convolution using the Chebyshev polynomial filters proposed by Defferrard et al. (2016).
def __init__(self, out_filters, laplacian, k=3, bias='b1', name='gconv'):
"""Constructs the graph convolution template
out_filters : int
number of output filters
laplacian : numpy array
graph Laplacian to use as a basis for the filters
k : int, optional
order of the Chebyshev polynomial
bias : string
type of bias to use, 'b1' for one bias per filter or 'b2' for one bias per vertex per filter
name : string
name of the module
assert bias == 'b1' or bias == 'b2', 'Bias type must be either b1 or b2'
self.in_filters = None
self.out_filters = out_filters
self.L = laplacian
self.K = k
self.bias = bias
super(GraphConvolution, self).__init__(name=name)
[docs] def rescale_L(self, L, lmax=2):
"""Rescale the Laplacian eigenvalues in [-1,1]."""
M, M = L.shape
I = scipy.sparse.identity(M, format='csr', dtype=L.dtype)
L /= lmax / 2
L -= I
return L
def _build(self, inp):
"""Applies a graph convolution operation to an input tensor
inp : tf.Tensor
input tensor to be convolved
convolved tensor
assert len(inp.get_shape().as_list()) == 3, 'Graph Convolutional Layer needs 3D input.'
self.in_shape = tuple(inp.get_shape().as_list())
if self.in_filters is None:
self.in_filters = self.in_shape[-1]
assert self.in_filters == self.in_shape[-1], 'Convolution was built for different number of input filters'
N, M, self.in_filters = inp.get_shape()
N, M, Fin = int(N), int(M), int(self.in_filters)
# Rescale Laplacian and store as a TF sparse tensor. Copy to not modify the shared L.
L = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(self.L)
L = self.rescale_L(L, lmax=2)
L = L.tocoo()
indices = np.column_stack((L.row, L.col))
L = tf.SparseTensor(indices,, L.shape)
L = tf.sparse_reorder(L)
# Transform to Chebyshev basis
x0 = tf.transpose(inp, perm=[1, 2, 0]) # M x Fin x N
x0 = tf.reshape(x0, [M, Fin * N]) # M x Fin*N
x = tf.expand_dims(x0, 0) # 1 x M x Fin*N
def concat(x, x_):
x_ = tf.expand_dims(x_, 0) # 1 x M x Fin*N
return tf.concat([x, x_], 0) # K x M x Fin*N
# recursive computation of the filters
if self.K > 1:
x1 = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(L, x0)
x = concat(x, x1)
for k in range(2, self.K):
x2 = 2 * tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(L, x1) - x0 # M x Fin*N
x = concat(x, x2)
x0, x1 = x1, x2
x = tf.reshape(x, [self.K, M, Fin, N]) # K x M x Fin x N
x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[3, 1, 2, 0]) # N x M x Fin x K
x = tf.reshape(x, [N * M, Fin * self.K]) # N*M x Fin*K
# Filter: Fin*out_filters filters of order K, i.e. one filterbank per feature pair.
w_shape = [Fin * self.K, self.out_filters]
initial = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(0, 0.1)
self._w = tf.get_variable('w', shape=w_shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=initial,
x = tf.matmul(x, self._w) # N*M x out_filters
x = tf.reshape(x, [N, M, self.out_filters]) # N x M x out_filters
if self.bias == 'b1':
b_shape = [1, 1, self.out_filters]
elif self.bias == 'b2':
b_shape = [1, M, self.out_filters]
self._b = tf.get_variable("b", shape=b_shape, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(),
outp = x + self._b
return outp