from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from dltk.core.modules.base import AbstractModule
from dltk.core.modules.linear import Linear
from dltk.core.modules.graph_convolution import GraphConvolution
[docs]class CGCNN(AbstractModule):
"""Graph CNN
This module builds a Graph Convolutional Network using the Chebyshev approximation (Defferrard et al. 2016).
def __init__(self, L, filters, K, p, fc, bias='b1', pool='mpool', dropout=1, name='cgcnn'):
"""Builds a graph CNN for classification
L: list
list of Graph Laplacians, one per coarsening level
filters : list
number of filters per layer
K : list
list of polynomial orders, i.e. filter sizes or number of hopes
p : list
pooling size (should be 1 - no pooling or a power of 2 - reduction by 2 at each coarser level)
fc: list
number of features per sample, i.e. number of hidden neurons
(the last layer is the softmax, i.e. M[-1] is the number of classes)
bias: string
type of bias to use, 'b1' for one bias per filter or 'b2' for one bias per vertex per filter
pool: string
pooling, 'mpool' for max pooling or 'apool' for average pooling
dropout: float
dropout for fc layers, probability to keep hidden neurons (no dropout with 1)
name : string
name of the network
# Verify the consistency w.r.t. the number of layers
assert len(L) >= len(filters) == len(K) == len(p)
assert np.all(np.array(p) >= 1)
p_log2 = np.where(np.array(p) > 1, np.log2(p), 0)
assert np.all(np.mod(p_log2, 1) == 0) # Powers of 2.
assert len(L) >= 1 + np.sum(p_log2) # Enough coarsening levels for pool sizes.
# Keep the useful Laplacians only
M_0 = L[0].shape[0]
j = 0
self.L = []
for pp in p:
j += int(np.log2(pp)) if pp > 1 else 0
L = self.L
# Store attributes
self.L = L
self.filters = filters
self.K = K
self.p = p
self.fc = fc
self.bias = bias
self.pool = pool
self.dropout = dropout
super(CGCNN, self).__init__(name)
def _build(self, inp, is_training=True):
"""Constructs a GraphCNN using the input tensor
inp : tf.Tensor
input tensor
is_training : bool
flag to specify whether this is training - used for dropout
output dictionary containing:
- `logits` - logits of the classification
- `y_prob` - classification probabilities
- `y_` - prediction of the classification
outputs = {}
x = inp
pool_op = tf.nn.max_pool if self.pool == 'mpool' else tf.nn.avg_pool
# Graph convolutional layers
x = tf.expand_dims(x, 2) # N x M x F=1
for i in range(len(self.p)):
with tf.variable_scope('conv_{}'.format(i + 1)):
with tf.name_scope('filter'):
x = GraphConvolution(self.filters[i], self.L[i], self.K[i], self.bias)(x)
with tf.name_scope('relu'):
x = tf.nn.relu(x)
with tf.name_scope('pooling'):
if self.p[i] > 1:
x = tf.expand_dims(x, 3) # N x M x F x 1
x = pool_op(x, ksize=[1, self.p[i], 1, 1], strides=[1, self.p[i], 1, 1],
x = tf.squeeze(x, [3]) # N x M/p x F
# Fully connected hidden layers
N, M, F = x.get_shape()
x = tf.reshape(x, [int(N), int(M * F)]) # N x M
for i, M in enumerate(self.fc[:-1]):
with tf.variable_scope('fc_{}'.format(i + 1)):
x = Linear(M)(x)
x = tf.nn.relu(x)
if is_training:
x = tf.nn.dropout(x, self.dropout)
# Logits linear layer, i.e. softmax without normalization.
with tf.variable_scope('logits'):
x = Linear(self.fc[-1])(x)
outputs['logits'] = x
with tf.variable_scope('pred'):
y_prob = tf.nn.softmax(x)
outputs['y_prob'] = y_prob
y_ = tf.argmax(x, axis=1)
outputs['y_'] = y_
return outputs